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AEW Dynamite Results for March 3, 2021


Tonight’s DYNAMITE brought us to The Crossroads before REVOLUTION!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It's Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Our opening match was a mega sized Mixed Tag Team Match!

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (with Arn Anderson) & Red Velvet vs. Shaquille O’Neal & Jade Cargill!

“Shaq won’t allow himself to be embarrassed here tonight. This is not a joke to him,” said Jim Ross of the 4x NBA champion.

Cody and Shaq locked up with a collar and elbow tie up and Shaq powered right out, pushing Cody halfway across the ring and down to the mat! Shaq smacked his giant paw right across Cody’s chest, and followed up with a back body drop!

“Cody is in trouble here one on one with Shaq,” said Jim Ross.

Jade tagged herself in, and Red Velvet came into the ring. Jade booted Red Velvet in the midsection. Jade whipped Red Velvet into the ropes and met her with a kick. Red Velvet fought back with a big hook kick! Jade fired back and hurled Red Velvet across the ring, using her leverage to her full advantage. Red Velvet jumped off the top rope with a diving cross body block but Jade countered it and then pie-faced Cody in the corner! Cody ran across the ring and hit Shaq, who went to the outside. Austin Gunn, sitting ringside, whacked Shaq with a steel chair. Enraged, Shaq slammed Austin Gunn, Colton Gunn, and QT Marshall of The Nightmare Family on the arena floor!

Back in the ring, Jade Cargill applied the figure four leglock on Red Velvet, smiling and flexing. Then Jade pulled a table out from beneath the ring and set it up.

“Maybe Jade has gone into business for herself,” said Jim Ross.

“Even Shaq looks surprised,” added Tony Schiavone.

Red Velvet knocked down Jade and set up a second table, placing it beside the first table. Red Velvet returned to the ring and scored a kick to Jade’s face. Cody tagged in and this brought Shaq back into the squared circle. Shaq powerbombed Cody! But Shaq walked right into Cody’s strike and then Cody body slammed Shaq!

Jade and Red Velvet began to trade offense in the center of the ring again. Jade hit a spinebuster on Red Velvet. Cody broke up the pin, sprinted across the ring and tackled Shaq. Cody’s force cause both men to crash through the tables set up at ringside earlier by Jade and Red Velvet! Red Velvet speared Jade! Red Velvet was countered and then Jade pancaked her face first and scored the pin for her team!

“Shaq is laid out at ringside,” said Excalibur.

After the commercial break, Shaq was loaded into an ambulance.

Several moments later Tony Schiavone went to get an update on Shaq’s condition and knocked on the ambulance door. When he opened it, Shaq was nowhere in sight!

PAC & Rey Fenix—Two-thirds of The Death Triangle Vs. John Skyler and D3!

PAC and Rey Fenix were looking to make short work of Skyler. PAC elevated over the top rope and down onto D3! PAC exploded with the 450 splash onto Skyler. Rey Fenix tagged in and sat down with a powerbomb for the victory!

Up Next: “Demo God” Chris Jericho and MJF’s REVOLUTION Press Conference!

They were accompanied by Wardlow, Santana, and Ortiz of the Inner Circle. The media (including Conrad Thompson from Grillin’ J.R., Eric Bischoff from the 83 Weeks podcast, and representatives from Barstool Sports) was present to ask questions. It was moderated by Dasha.

“With all the accolades that I have, remember I am also a seven-time world tag team champion, and it’s time for me and MJF to beat the hell out of The Young Bucks this Sunday at REVOLUTION, just like we did to Papa Buck,” said Jericho.

“I’m sick of everyone trying to make Papa Buck a martyr. It was self-defense. He attacked my partner last week and he got his backyard blood on my custom suit!” said MJF.

Eric Bischoff had a question: “Do you know the condition of Papa Buck, Chris, and in your list of stupid ideas, where does motivating The Young Bucks to come at you with vengeance rank?”

“We don’t know his condition and we don’t care,” replied Jericho.

The Young Bucks’ music hit and they stepped onto the stage with their tag titles!

“We knew you pricks would hurt our friends, but we had no idea you’d harm our father. You made this thing personal,” said Nick Jackson.

“Our dad is the greatest father in the world. He taught us about faith, family, love. Chris, MJF, he did all the things your fathers failed to teach you. He taught us to dream big and he built a wrestling ring in our backyard with his bare hands when we were kids. That DIY spirit is what created The Young Bucks and Being the Elite. Hell, that’s what helped create this very company. Without our dad there would be no Young Bucks, and there’d probably be no AEW. Without AEW, MJF—you’d still be waiting for a call back from the Rosie O’Donnell Show, and Chris, you’d probably be jerking the curtain at the PC tonight. He also taught us to stand up for ourselves,” said Matt Jackson.

The Bucks superkicked MJF and Jericho! The Good Brothers came out and set up a table on the stage. Nick Jackson jumped off the top of the entrance tunnel onto Ortiz on the table! Matt Jackson did a stage dive onto Santana through a ringside table!

“It’s a human demolition starring The Young Bucks!” said Jim Ross.

Tully Blanchard & FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood (accompanied by JJ Dillon!) vs. Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, & Marko Stunt!

Tully pushed Marko into FTR’s corner and got a few stiff shots in on Marko. Dax and Jungle Boy both tagged in. Dax chopped away at Jungle Boy and followed up with body shots. Jungle Boy rallied back and after several leap frogs he connected with a high dropkick to Dax, and then a German release suplex on Cash! He applied the snare trap on Dax but Cash pulled Jungle Boy out of the ring. With the referee distracted, JJ Dillon slipped his shoe to Dax who then smacked Jungle Boy with it for a near fall!

Tully tagged in and took it to Jungle Boy, dropping him with a big right hand!

“This one is red hot, folks,” said Jim Ross.

Luchasaurus tagged in and exploded with big right kicks to Dax and Cash! Marko ran in and Luchasaurus slammed him onto Tully! Luchasaurus double suplexed Dax and Cash! He tried to shoulder ram Harwood but Harwood dodged it, sending Luchasaurus shoulder first into the ring post! On the outside, Cash blasted Luchasaurus with a swinging DDT onto the arena floor!

Cash hit an Everest suplex onto Jungle Boy! Tully Blanchard scored the slingshot suplex on Marko! Luchasaurus nailed Tully with a tail whip! At ringside, someone in black interfered. FTR used the spike piledriver and Tully pinned Luchasaurus!

After the match, as FTR celebrated, the masked man entered the ring again and revealed himself to be Shawn Spears! They held up four fingers. Arn Anderson appeared from the entrance tunnel and held up a four finger salute to them!

And appearing for the first time in AEW—Paul Wight!

Tony welcomed Paul Wight to AEW. Paul said how happy he was to be here in AEW.

Paul mentioned the all-new show, AEW DARK: ELEVATION, debuting on AEW’s official YouTube channel on Monday, March 15th, where he will be calling all the action with Tony Schiavone!

“Starting out on TNT, and now getting the chance to come back to TNT, it’s a privilege. And just so you know that I’m taking this announcing job seriously, I have a scoop for you, Tony. I have the biggest scoop ever. This Sunday at EVOLUTION, AEW is going to hire, and put in contract, a hall of fame worthy talent, a huge asset, and it’s not who you think! Tune in this Sunday to find out who it is! AEW’s next major signing!”

Women’s World Title Eliminator Tournament Finals!

United States Bracket Winner “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero) vs. Japan Bracket Winner Ryo Mizunami!

The winner tonight earns a world title match against Hikaru Shida this Sunday at REVOLUTION 2021!

Ryo and Nyla locked up with Nyla powering her opponent to the ropes. Ryo peppered Nyla with stiff shots. Nyla fired back with forearms. Ryo came back with her own strikes.

“Both wrestlers looking for that big knock out shot,” said Jim Ross.

Ryo dropped Nyla with a wicked clothesline but Nyla kicked out at the one-count! Nyla followed up with a rolling splash.

“Nyla Rose trying to get directly back to the title picture by winning this match,” said Jim Ross.

Nyla attempted a senton off the top rope but Ryo rolled out of the way. She speared Nyla to the midsection, knocking her to the outside. Nyla stood back up on the ring apron but Ryo swept her leg. Ryo used a vicious leg drop onto Nyla! Ryo hit a splash off the ropes as Nyla made it back in before ref Aubrey Edwards counted her out.

Nyla and Ryo traded heavy shots. Ryo blocked a clothesline with one of her own, but then Nyla shut her down with a Death Valley Driver! Ryo kicked out at two! Nyla hung Ryo on the top rope and crashed down off the top with her diving knee drop! Ryo kicked out at the two-count!

“Man, this is a battle,” said Jim Ross.

Nyla attempted the Beast Bomb but Ryo fought out and connected with an exploder suplex on Nyla! Ryo climbed to the top rope but Nyla met her up there and superplexed her back down to Earth! Somehow Ryo managed to find her second-wind and speared Nyla! Ryo hit the guillotine leg drop and pinned Nyla!

Shida presented Ryo with the trophy and congratulated her after the match. Ryo surprised Shida with a forearm! Shida answered with forearms of her own and knocked Ryo down to her knees. Shida help up her AEW Women’s Championship belt in front of Ryo.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Sting!

It began to snow in Jacksonville as Sting made his way to the ring!

“Sting, I’ve known you many years and you’ve never looked better. You’re prepared for the street fight against Team Taz this Sunday at REVOLUTION,” said Tony Schiavone.

“I feel like I’m ready for a street fight!” said Sting.

“Absolute” Ricky Starks interrupted Sting: “Last week you tore this ring up and I’m man enough to admit I saw something we haven’t seen in a long time from you, and that’s fire, and Sting, you’ve still got it. But I still stand behind what I said and that is you are no icon,” said Starks, as he slapped Sting!

Sting beat Starks out of his shoes and then hit him with a clothesline and the Stinger splash! Sting applied the Scorpion Deathlock to Starks! Powerhouse Hobbs pulled Starks out of the ring. Taz’s son, Hook, tried to assault Sting but Sting pushed him away. Brian Cage jumped into the ring and attempted to powerbomb Sting but Darby Allin showed up! Darby jumped on Cage’s back, knocking Sting free of Cage’s grasp. Darby blasted Cage with the shotgun dropkick! Team Taz exited the ring to regroup.

Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match Qualifier!

The Dark Order’s 10 (with -1 accompanying him to the ring) vs. “Platinum” Max Caster of The Acclaimed!

Scorpio Sky joined the commentary team for this match.

10 clotheslined Max and knocked him back down with a running shoulder tackle.

“10 is turning up the offensive heat,” said Jim Ross.

10 hit another clothesline, sending Max over the top rope and onto the arena floor. 10 charged at Max but Max moved out of the way and pushed 10 into the metal ring post! He followed up with a basement dropkick.

10 backdropped Max and then brought the “spine on the pine.” 10 speared Max through the center strand for a near fall. Out of nowhere, Max executed a brainbuster on 10! He went up top for the Claim to Fame but 10 figured out what was going on and got out of the way! 10 powerbombed Max but Max got his boot onto the bottom rope to break the pin attempt.

Jack Evans of TH2 was hiding under the ring! He popped out and blasted 10 with the boombox! Max quickly pinned 10 after Evans’ sneak attack. Matt Hardy was waiting at the top of the ramp and handed Jack Evans an envelope of cash.

In an interview from earlier in the day, Miro said he would give the people what they want: destruction. And this Sunday at REVOLUTION, it’ll be Miro and Kip Sabian vs. Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor! “Game over!” he said!

Main Event Time!

“Hangman” Adam Page & Dark Order’s John Silver vs. Matt Hardy & Marq Quen (of Private Party)!

Silver overpowered Marq with a single leg takedown. In the corner, Matt Hardy snuck a kidney shot at Silver. Hardy tagged in and had a headlock on Silver. “Hangman” Page tagged in and Hardy wanted no part of it and tagged out to Marq Quen! Page took the boots and stomped a mudhole into Marq Quen!

Soon “Big Money Matt” got involved again. Hardy hit a side effect on John Silver on the ring apron! Quen tagged in and stomped on John Silver. Matt Hardy jumped off the second turnbuckle but John Silver blocked him and followed through with a standing sliced bread! Silver tagged Page and Hardy tagged out to Quen. Page planted Quen spine-first on the mat! Page used a fallaway slam on Quen and then jumped over the top rope with a body press onto Hardy! Page used a Death Valley Driver on Quen in the center of the ring! Page threw Quen at Hardy, wanting Hardy to tag in, but Hardy refused.

Quen caught Page with a dropkick to the knees and then Hardy tagged in, smelling blood in the water. Page countered the Twist of Fate with a back suplex! John Silver tagged in and speared Matt Hardy! Silver countered the Twist of Fate with a back slide. He followed up with a brainbuster on Hardy but Hardy kicked out at the two-count!

Silver was guillotined over the top rope by Quen. Hardy tagged Quen and Quen hit a massive dropkick on Silver. Page tagged in and blasted Quen with a pop-up powerbomb and then the buckshot lariat for the three-count! Matt Hardy attacked Page and Silver with a microphone after the match!

The Dark Order rushed from the back and descended upon Matt Hardy! The rest of the teams from this Sunday’s upcoming Casino Battle Royal sprinted to the ring and all hell broke loose!

“The people are beating the hell out of each other here! Can you imagine what it’ll be like this Sunday on pay-per-view at REVOLUTION?” asked Jim Ross.

Be sure to order REVOLUTION 2021, airing live on pay-per-view this Sunday night at 8pm ET! And catch AEW DYNAMITE next week live on TNT!


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